Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Age

27 is the age of Doubt.

You have your so called "dream job", being a working professional who earns enough to enjoy the little luxuries in life, and yet there are some part of you that still feels empty, unfulfilled.

I thought I was alone in feeling this, but turns out 2 of my dearest friends (fellow 27-ers ;)) also feels the same way. We have achieved what the 4 years ago us would have thought the epitome of success, and yet...we feel, strangely detached from it all sometimes.

Yuk Mee says, maybe that's why humans have to constantly grow and seek for something better, while Own Chai just wishes that all of us, who have ever felt this emptiness, have the courage to let go of the familiar and just live your dream, whatever that may be.

I say, and hope, that the imminent move to KL in my 27th year, might not be such a bad thing after all...

1 comment:

  1. From branch to HQ, not a bad sign right? 27 age of doubt? by implication, mine will be next year huh...

    Try new things, challenge yourself and you'll discover something you never knew about yourself. How about the list of things to do?
