Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Big City Lights

The city lights shine so bright,
Never fading, ever awake,
And yet how many solitary hearts wander, lost in its plight,
Looking for a place to belong in its wake?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ticket Stubs

I should keep count of the number of movies I watched alone in KL, just to show myself what an independent young lady I am =p

Lone ticket stubs to date : 3

Fairy Tale Love

Everyone dreams of a fairy tale love.

I can say that I wish I had a fairy tale love, that after years of being with my one and only, we have decided to settle down happily ever after, in typical fairy tale style.

I can say that, but then I'd be lying.

It is never easy when a relationship ends, I don't think it is possible to have invested time and energy into a relationship and not harbour at least some images and dreams of your future together.I have seen my dreams taking a slight detour twice and ending reality-style, as opposed to fairy-tale stye, but I do not regret it. The time and energy poured into those relationships at that point in time was given with sincerity and hope, and I would not have done it any differently had I known how it would have eventually ended.

At the same time, it is easy to wish that the next relationship comes with a gurantee that it will work, and easy for the heart to set up barriers and protection to make you hurt less. But does love have to be safe to be good? And even if it is so, shouldn't the "safe-ness" come naturally from two person's faith in each other, and not because you set up walls to numb the pain?

I believe love, in all its forms, fairy-tale or otherwise, is beautiful. Fairy tale endings are great, but only if it was a great story in the first place ;)